Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 3 - 100th to the Utah County line

Started at 5 am. I was amazed how many crazy are on the road at 5 am. Cruised down to 123rd and then under the freeway. Passed a meat packing plant, Ikea, then around the Prison and over the point to the UT co line. Got some great donations. Some a few dollars, one $100! SEO.com employees ran out with a t-shirt....... Someone donated a pair of ergonomic crutches! I am anxious to try them out.

I am a passionate Duck Tape fan. My fascination and devotion to Duck Tape dates back to 1995. My family and I were new transplants to College Station, Texas where I had been accepted in the I/O Psychology PhD program at Texas A&M. As fall drew on I began to hear about this phenomenon called Bonfire. Being a closet pyromaniac, I was intrigued at the prospect of what Guinness touted as "the biggest bonfire in the world." So, although we were unable to physically go to Bonfire that year, we decided to try to watch it on local TV. While searching for news on the limited stations we had available we ran across a show with this guy wearing one red suspender and one green one trying to put automatic gull wing doors on a '78 Ford Granada using Duck Tape and an automatic garage door opener. I was hooked! Red Green continues to make me smile. His advice on multiple and varied uses of Duck Tape have always proved entertaining, if not particularly useful, and was often followed with, "Remember, if the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy!"

While training for the walk to St George, I often got blisters on top of my blisters. Then I discovered this new product called Second Skin, which you put on areas that are about to blister. It is helpful even if your feet have already made it past the preventative stage. I knew that Second Skin would be a great answer to my blister problem and I bought a box. The next day I was explaining the magic of Second Skin to my sister-in-law, Michelle, who instantly responded, "That stuff is expensive, why don't you just use Duck Tape?" At first I thought she was joking, kind of like spraying Windex on all that ales you, but she insisted that Duck Tape was what they used on their Pioneer Trek, and it worked great. So I thought I should try it.

I have now gone 25 miles without a blister. Whenever I feel a "hot spot" coming on, I stop, whip out the Duck Tape and slap it on. Not bad. Red Green would be proud!


View Interactive Map on MapMyWalk.com


  1. Duck tape...I love it. It also comes in various colors...in case you are interested.

    There was an episode of Mythbusters dedicated to the various possible uses of duck tape. They made a cannon, lifted a car with it, and made a boat entirely out of duck tape and christened it the "Stuck to You". It actually sailed. =)

  2. Too funny Jeannie - anyone that like Red Green will love the whole duct tape scenerio. If you haven't seen Red Green - you gotta see if your sense of humor is tickled by it as much as ours is... and Steve, you are handsome and handy with or without duct tape! The duct tape makes me laugh - who would have guessed? Good call Michelle. You know so may helpful tips! Thank you!

  3. oops! I need to proof read before I post :)

  4. You guys are hilarious. And by the way, for any sticklers who are critical of the use of "Duck Tape" in preference to "duct tape" should note the Duck Tape is a particular brand of the magical stuff, and strictly speaking, true "duct tape" is shiny, finicky, and no fun at all. Just sayin'...
